With most flowering plants, they sometimes need a slight stress period to initiate flowers. If you are fertilizing with nitrogen, stop. High nitrogen will promote vegetative (leaf) growth, but actually inhibit flowering. If you are watering more than once or twice a week, increase the number of days between waterings. Irrigate completely down to at least one foot, and then let the soil dry somewhat before the next irrigation. Then, your sugar hibiscus will hopefully start to flower.My sugar hibicus plant is not blooming what can i do it is at least five feet tall and beautiful?
This plant is new to me so I looked it up. Blooming time is about the same time as ';Rose of Sharon'; related to the hibiscus and Hibiscus blooming time is July -August infact I had no idea there were so many varieties.
'Maple Sugar'
Hibiscus acetosella
************Bloom Time
*************Late-Summer Zone(s)
Annual except in zones 9 - 11
*******36-60'; (Tall)