
Do I need to cut mums back after their Fall bloom?

I planted a really nice mum last Spring when it was blooming. It did great all Summer and bloomed well again in the Fall. I didn't cut it back or really do anything with it after the Fall bloom.

It didn't come back this Spring. I asked a friend, and he said I need to cut the mums back almost to the ground after the Fall bloom, they will come back next Spring if I do. I live in West Virginia, and our winters aren't harsh. I got another mum this Spring and planted it. It's looking very healthy and happy out in my garden.

Do I need to cut it back? If so how much? Thanks for any help, the mum I got this year was a gift so I would REALLY like to keep it alive:).Do I need to cut mums back after their Fall bloom?
You can cut them back before serious frost which is also a good time to take cuttings - or you can wait until spring before new growth begins.Do I need to cut mums back after their Fall bloom?
yes, you do need to cut your mum's back in late fall; all the way down to the bottom. you will get a nice, healthy mum next year if you do this.
I live in Erie, PA and our winters are about as harsh as they come. I don't cut my Mums back until Spring and then do cut them almost to the ground. You should see new growth starting.
cut it back either in fall or early spring. Also pinch back the leaves until July 4th.
no, cut them back very early in the spring before they start growing.
My guess is that your original chrysanthemum did not come back for reasons other than you not cutting it back.

If it is well established, it will come back in the spring whether you cut it back or not. If you don鈥檛 cut the dead stalks off of the rootstock the new growth will just grow through the dead stems in the spring and it will look unsightly.

The part of the chrysanthemum that is above ground can be cut in the late fall when it has faded or in the spring before you see new growth begin.

So either way, you will have new growth 鈥?whether you don鈥檛 cut it back at all 鈥?cut it back in the fall 鈥?or cut it back in the spring.

Make sure it has been planted correctly and is established 鈥?with a little TLC it will make it through the winter. Good luck.



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