i bought a small hibiscus plant in the summer. looks pretty much like a bush. i live in michigan. i kept it outside on the good summer days and now i have it in the house by a window. i know during the cold months there isn't much sun. it hasn't grown flowers lately. is that normal? do i need to do something for it? once in awhile i give it miracle grow plant food. and i keep it watered pretty good. next year if it makes it i'm going to put it in a bigger pot. its just growing leaves. mostly on top. small ones near the bottom. when i bought it the tag that was on it didn't say if it was started in the south.Is it normal for a hibiscus not to bloom in the winter?
its normal in hibisous's not to bloom were you are..I live in fl and when it is cold for a few days it doesnt bloom either..your doing the right thing.make sure it does get sunlight when it is out.Is it normal for a hibiscus not to bloom in the winter?
yes it is normal for a lot of hibiscus to not bloom in winter,it should start back in spring as long is it is kept alive