My fish tank has been cloudy for a few weeks now. It's a 30 gallon and the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all test zero. About every other day I have been replacing about 5 gallons of water. It does not seem to be helping at all. It will look a little better with the new water but by the next day it's very cloudy again. I took out one of the buildings because I read that it possibly could be breaking down but no use. I also changed the filter. Should I just wait it out or should I be doing something else? By the way I don't have many fish. 2 neon tetra, 2 red wag platy, 1 gold gourami and 1 rainbow shark. Thanks for any help. How long does it ake for a bacterial bloom to clear up?
the cycle process takes about a month on average if ammonia and nitrites are not regestering in the tests than do not change any water
also you should have left the filter alone also this only prolongs the cycle
your test kit is also giving you false readings the cycle break down is like this excess food and fish waste turn to ammonia the first good bacteria turns the ammonia into nitrite then the second good bacteria turns the nitrite into nitrate so if the tests are saying ammonia 0 and nitrite 0 then nitrate has to be reading also if you tested your source water it should be showing some level of nitrate
the cloudiness tells me there should also be a nitrite reading How long does it ake for a bacterial bloom to clear up?
You should never change the filter. Most of your good bacteria live in the filter and the gravel. Just rinse the filter media in used tank water and put it back. You only change the filter if it is totally falling apart.
It normally takes about 6 weeks for a tank to fully cycle. It's strange that you are getting zero readings for everything because most tanks never show zero. First you should have had an ammonia spike, then a nitrite spike then start showing some nitrates. It's much better to cycle without fish because you can just let the tank go and not have to do water changes.