
Are mums perrenials or annuals? What do I do with them after they're done blooming?

Are mums perrenials or annuals? What do I do with them after they're done blooming?

Do I throw them out, bring them indoors, etc...??

I am new at planting and don't know much about it. A simple and easy-to-understand response would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!Are mums perrenials or annuals? What do I do with them after they're done blooming?
Mums are perennials and can survive most weather conditions, leave them in the garden and they will come up bigger next year.Are mums perrenials or annuals? What do I do with them after they're done blooming?
They are both depends on the climate and what time of year you plant them.After blooming cut back if planted in the ground to about 4-5 inches.They will come back next year,in late summer or fall they are fall plants and will bloom until frost.No they are outdoor plants.You can bring them in in small pots for a display for a few days then water well and sit them outside in full sun to keep them blooming.
The ones you buy in the grocery store for $3 are annuals.

If you want perennials make sure the tag says HARDY mums.
Some of them are and some of them aren't. You can try planting them and see if they come up the next year. If not then they were the annual type.
They are perennials here in New Orleans. Cut them back after they bloom in the fall. Most people cut them back even before they bloom in the spring so they can have a more impressive display in the fall. You should not have to bring them indoors depending on where you live. Check your USDA hardiness zone or call your local extension service for specific answers in your area.
They can be either. I have perennials that have already bloomed. It may still be too early to cut them back, though. Also, some of your larger store chains will be selling Fall mums soon. These can also be annual or perennials. Just be sure, that when you buy mums (or any flowers), you make sure it has a tag on the container. This will tell you what you need to know about the flower. Good luck!



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