
Why isn't my tree peony blooming this year?

Typically this 15 year old plant has anywhere from three to fifteen blooms; this year there are none! Two beside it are blooming as usual (but are younger). The non-bloomer had a blight of sorts last summer but this year's foilage is lush - only no buds/blooms. Any suggestions on how to get it flowering again? ThanksWhy isn't my tree peony blooming this year?
Tree peonies do occasionally have rest years, especially after a year or two of heavy flowering and/or some stresses.

I would give it a good mulch of compost and a slow release fertiliser this year, possibly some Sulphate of Potash- Potassium Sulphate. Potassium is the element that's needed by plants to initiate flowering, and can nudge plants that are borderline ready to flower. This is available from nurseries, and is relatively low cost.

As it is, I'd expect yours to flower again next year, as it's mature, and has flowered regularly before. Check that it's root system hasn't been damaged too, and I'd treat with anti-fungal spray for all of them this year - though the weather influences outbreaks too.

Mine are in bloom now, but remembering a time when I had a couple have a blank year, at different times.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
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