
Barack Obama approval numbers are down 5%. Is the bloom finally off of the rose?

Americans believed they would see immediate satisfaction because he PROMISED immediate satisfaction... of course he backtracked on that in his inauguration speech...

Anyway, maybe some people are finally seeing the true Obama. But a lot of people that voted for him don't even follow politics.So, they don't even know he's not doing what he promised...hopefully they'll realize sooner or later.Barack Obama approval numbers are down 5%. Is the bloom finally off of the rose?
The bloom hasn't even starting to open. He's made up nothing except in those with hateful, yet very creative minds, he's not a joke, but a serious man that loves his county and wants nothing more than to get us out of the mess that Bush created and he has a birth certificate just like you and I. What makes you so special that you think you deserve to se it?

His numbers are not down by 5%. He's still the most popular American President we've had in just 6 short months, not only in this country but around the world.

You remind me of a joke. What do Republicans and Sarah Palin have in common? Nothing.Barack Obama approval numbers are down 5%. Is the bloom finally off of the rose?
People expected immediate satisfaction. After all, this is America. The average American doesn't understand the macro-economics at the root of the problem. They see the unemployment rate nearing 10% and they think, ';Wow, the president is failing.'; Never mind that unemployment is a lagging indicator in times like these.

Things will get better, and Obama's approval ratings will go up again. Then the cons will have to go back to making up stories about his birth certificate or something.

Speaking of the birth certificate (it exists), is this good enough for you?



NOTE: I don't like Obama or any of the Clintons.

However, I DO seem to recall that when Bush's ratings hit the toilet, we were informed that polls: don't matter/are biased/not credible, etc.

Politics is a game of EXTREME hypocrisy.
Same as will all previous Presidents - a high rating first few months or years and then a decline. No different that the others.

America will soon find out what Obama and his criminal admin really are soon or later.
What rose and what bloom? I never saw it and I never will either! One term and that's it.
I don't care what you say. You don't sound like a good person. I love our African King.

.Added ---%26gt;%26gt; Aw Johnny, you're starting to worry me. You may not use your sense of humor enough.
Liberals getting laid off, losing jobs, it is all coming to light.

sub 40's coming by end of summer.
Yes, I never vote for him again.



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