How long have they been planted? They need to be divided every three years, or when they slow down in blooming. Also how deep are they planted,their Rhizomes need a little light,which means they can't be buried no more than an inch and a half,and they need full sun. I would say you need to divide them and put them in full sun. I have many Iris and I have never bought any, they were here in one patch when we bought our house, I divided them and replanted them in about five other spots in my yard. I did this with my Oriental Lillies too. I bought 8 of them 9 years ago and kept dividing them.
My neighbor has Iris in her front yard ,and they bloomed really nice at first, but she has never divided them and now she only has a few that bloom.
You can use blood meal, or bone meal found at a garden center, or any ferilizer really, but I find the two I suggest work good for me.
Yes ,you can divide them now, or as soon as the soil warms up a little more and there isn't any chance for frost.
I am not sure if you know how to divide them, so I will tell you.
As you know they grow in a huge clump.Take your shovel and start digging about a half a foot or so away from the plant,( you don't want to cut the Rhizome in half or you will loose it.)
Dig all the way around the rootball and then lift it out of the ground ,it will be heavy,so you can try to loosen sections of the ball. Once you get them out,you can cut the green off about 6 in. from the rhizome, cut it so that it looks like a point.You will see that the root will look like a Y.Take a sharp knife and cut the sides away, making sure you have roots on the Rhizome and discard the center.That is the old root and will not grow anymore. If the roots, the long stringy looking things are too long, it is ok to trim them up,it won't hurt them.
Don't let then dry out,you can put them in a bucket of water for awhile till you plant them,don't leave them in there for long though. Some thing ele about Iris's. They are prone Iris leaf borers, that is a worm that will eat your Rhizome and kill them, so inspect your plants for any holes or soft spots , if you see them, throw it away, don't put it in your compost pile. Ican't ell you if they will still bloom this year or not.Sometimes they will.When I did mine ,it was after they were done blooming.Hope this solves your problem.