
Should I water my blooming cactus?

So I have a small cactus in my room and it's blooming. I don't know if I should water it or not?

Please help only if you know for sureShould I water my blooming cactus?
cacti are actually quite easy to care for once you understand the basics. When the plants are in flower, they should be kept in bright, indirect light. Too much light can cause the flower color to fade or the heat my cause the flower buds to drop. Day temperatures of 70掳F and evening temperatures of 60-65掳F are considered ideal.

Be sure to water thoroughly, but let plant dry slightly between waterings. However, cactus are not as drought tolerant as the name suggests. The leaves will wrinkle if the soil is dry and they lack water. It is especially important not to let them dry too much during flowering or they may drop the flower buds.

Once flowers fade, continue to grow the plant as a houseplant. Soil should be well drained. Fertilize monthly between April and October with a complete houseplant fertilizer. Prune plants in June to encourage branching, even flowering time and more flowers. Just remove a few sections of each stem with your fingers or a sharp knife. The removed pieces can be rooted in moist vermiculite to make more plants.

Getting them into flower requires a little understanding of what makes them tick. cacti are short day plants meaning they bloom when nights are at least 15 hours long. Holiday cacti will also flower if exposed to prolonged cool temperatures between 50-55掳F. No flowers will form at night temperatures above 70 degrees.

cacti can be placed in a shady spot in the garden in summer. I just leave mine outside or in an unheated porch until temperatures get below 45 degrees. The naturally longer nights and cool temperatures in late summer will encourage flower development. People have told me they just virtually ignore them in a spare bedroom or garage where temperatures are cool and no lights are used at night. A little water once and awhile and they are rewarded one day with a plant full of blooms.

A common problem with cacti are dropping unopened flower buds, which may be caused by an excessive number of buds, a sudden change in temperature or light or drying out of the soil. Lack of flowering is often due to light interrupting the required long night period or high temperatures. Streetlights, car lights or indoor lighting may disrupt the required dark period. The major disease is root rot, which can be prevented by avoiding excessive watering. The most common insect pests are mealybugs and soft brown scale.

Good Luck



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